Customer Testimonials

I have been in Property Management / Facilities Management for over 30 years and value quality vendors like Solaris Commercial Roofing. Large enough to handle big projects and customer focused enough to quickly respond to emergencies and minor repairs with reasonable costs. Our lead is easy to get a hold of and provides detailed solutions and manufacturer support to some of the crazy requests we challenge him with. One great example is waterproofing of a mechanical fan roof that leaked into apartments below for 30 years. With the Solaris solution, we have been bone dry for years.

When I have the opportunity to be involved in the decision making on which roofer to award the job I have continually pushed for Solaris.  Working with Don and his foreman, installs are well coordinated and the results are quality.  Any issues that may come up are easily resolved with your team.  I feel I can be a pretty demanding superintendent and many roofers have let me down in the past but I am continually impressed with what I get from Solaris.

It continues to be a pleasure working with Solaris Roofing Solutions. Repairs are done right the first time and prices are very reasonable.

Solaris Roofing Solutions is excellent to work with.  Service calls are always addressed very promptly and professionally.  They make my job as a property manager much easier.  I’m happy to be working with them!

Our Services